Web Design
Tuxedo Web Designs offers a variety of services ranging from web design, search engine optimization (SEO) and modifications
to existing websites.
Customer satisfaction is key to web design and we excel in service after the sale. Our repeat business is remarkably high and we maintain a respectable base of satisfied customers. Web design is only the first step to success. We do more and go beyond.
Already own a website? See our add-on scripting modules on the PHP page.
Our website development service has provided services to the following industries including but not limited to:
Mobile Websites
Mobile sites are specifically designed for iPhone and Android browsers. Mobile device usage is increasing by a growing margin. Full width content can be a challenge to read on a phone, but a mobile site that is tailored for small screen viewing is easy to read and keeps the visitor much longer.
Our site has a mobile version available for viewing on our subdomain at m.tuxedowebdesigns.com. Smart phones can easily read the content and with the percentage of mobile devices on the rise, your company can be equipped to meet the challenge of tomorrow with a mobile friendly version available today.
We design websites using CSS/XHTML code. We offer custom PHP scripting paired with MySQL for dynamic driven websites. Contact us for a quote on your project and we will be happy to assist and recommend a suitable design that fits your needs.